Answering Service*
Answer After-Hours delivers the best industry-specific answering service solution. We answer your calls anytime that you need, day or night. Our nationwide service is cost-effective and easy to use. Simply forward your phones to an assigned toll-free number. Plus, we provide a variety of call packages to choose from to match the season or expected call volume. To learn more, visit our answering service website or call for immediate assistance: 1-866-882-2080
Answer After-Hours a division of Professional Emergency Resource
Services (PERS), was first introduced as a PERS service in 2005. Our
answering service was initially created in response to frequent inquiries
from many of our DOT customers within the propane industry. It quickly became evident that traditional answering services were not meeting the needs of these companies, mostly due to a lack of industry knowledge and generalized software and procedures.
Our collective knowledge and experience within PERS makes Answer After-hours the best telephone coverage solution available for your business needs. Our nationwide service is
cost-effective and easy to use. Simply forward your phones to an assigned telephone number. We provide a variety of call packages to choose from to match the season or expected call volume. Contact us today to learn more. To learn more, visit our answering service website or call for immediate assistance: 1-866-882-2080 .

It is important to note that our answering service division, Answer After-Hours, does NOT satisfy the emergency response telephone number requirement for DOT compliance. In fact, Federal regulation specifically states that a telephone number that requires a call back (such as an answering service, answering machine, or beeper device) does not meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of §172.604.
If you are looking for an emergency contact number for DOT compliance, please register with PERS for authorized use of our 24-hour emergency response telephone number. For more information, click here.